Tropical Maps & Charts

Click maps and charts for larger versions, loops, etc. Most graphics update automatically--check timestamps for currency. During updates, maintenance, network outages, etc., graphics may be temporarily unavailable. Graphic sources include NOAA, NWS, University of Wisconsin, Weather Underground, and various other organizations. All products produced by the US government or affiliated organizations are public domain unless otherwise labeled.

Note: For US Eastern Time on maps and charts, subtract 4 hours (Daylight Saving Time) or 5 hours (Standard Time) from UTC / Z timestamp on the maps and charts. UTC / Z / GMT = Coordinated Universal Time / Zulu Time / Greenwich Mean Time -- Time is based on 0° longitude running through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, UK. It is the same all year round and is not affected by Daylight Saving Time (aka Summer Time) clock changes. Using UTC allows weather services and others to avoid time zone conversions. Visit for more time zone conversion information and additional time-related data.

For more information regarding tropical cyclones affecting the United States, visit the National Hurricane Center at

Current Time US Eastern and UTC / Z
ET 12-Hour ET 24-Hour UTC / Z

2-Day Atlantic Tropical Outlook2-Day Atlantic Tropical Outlook
Atlantic Infrared Mosaic SSEC Atlantic Infrared Mosaic
5-Day Tropical Atlantic Outlook
5-Day Tropical Atlantic Outlook

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Saharan Air Layer AnalysisSaharan Air Layer Analysis
The Saharan Air Layer (SAL) is an extremely hot, dry and sometimes dust-laden layer of the atmosphere that often overlies the cooler, more-humid surface air of the Atlantic Ocean. This annual phenomena sometimes cools the ocean and suppresses Atlantic Tropical cyclogenesis.

Daily Sea Surface Temperatures
Daily SSTs
Atlantic Sea Surface Temperatures
Atlantic SSTs
Tropical Cyclone formation favors sea surface temperatures at or above 30°C / 86°F.

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Atlantic Infrared SatelliteAtlantic Infrared Sat
Atlantic Geocolor SatelliteAtlantic Geocolor Sat
Atlantic Water Vapor SatelliteAtlanic WV Sat

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US Atlantic Coast Infrared SatelliteUS Atlantic Coast Infrared Sat
US Atlantic Coast Geocolor SatelliteUS Atlantic Coast Geocolor Sat
Atlantic Water Vapor SatelliteUS Atlantic Coast Water Vapor Sat

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Gulf of Mexico Infrared SatelliteGulf of Mexico Infrared Sat
Gulf of Mexico Geocolor SatelliteGulf of Mexico Geocolor Sat
Gulf of Mexico Water Vapor SatelliteGulf of Mexico WV Sat

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Caribbean Infrared SatelliteCaribbean IR Sat
Caribbean Geocolor SatelliteCaribbean IR Sat
Caribbean Water Vapor SatelliteAtlantic IR Sate

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Eastern Pacific 2-Day OutlookEast Pacific 2-Day Tropical Outlook
Pacific Infrared MosaicSSEC Pacific IR Mosaic
Eastern Pacific 5-Day OutlookE Pacific 5-Day Tropical Outlook

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Eastern Pacific Infrared SatelliteEast Pacific IR Sat
Eastern Pacific Geocolor SatelliteEast Pacific Geocolor Satellite
Eastern Pacific Water Vapor SatelliteEast Pacific LW IR

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Central Pacific 2-Day OutlookCentral Pacific 2-Day Outlook
Central Pacific 5-day Outlook
Central Pacific 5-Day Outlook
 North-West Pacific Ocean, South Pacific Ocean, & Indian Ocean
Joint Typhoon Center Asian Basins

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Atlantic Weather ChartAtlantic Surface Analysis
Alaska / Arctic Weather Chart
Alaska / Arctic Wx Chart
Pacific Weather Chart
Pacific Weather Chart

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