Click maps and charts for larger versions, loops, etc. Most
graphics update automatically--check timestamps for currency. During
updates, maintenance, network outages, etc., graphics may be temporarily
unavailable. Graphic sources include NOAA, NWS, University of Wisconsin,
Weather Underground, and various other organizations. All products
produced by the US government or affiliated organizations are public
domain unless otherwise labeled.
Note: For US Eastern Time on maps and charts, subtract 4 hours
(Daylight Saving Time) or 5 hours (Standard Time) from UTC / Z timestamp
on the maps and charts. UTC / Z / GMT = Coordinated Universal Time / Zulu
Time / Greenwich Mean Time -- Time is based on 0° longitude running
through the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London, UK. It is the same all
year round and is not affected by Daylight Saving Time (aka Summer Time)
clock changes. Using UTC allows weather services and others to avoid time
zone conversions. Visit
for more time zone conversion information and additional time-related